Recommended Resources for Mare and Foal Care

Let’s talk about early equine pregnancy care and ultrasounds! Mare care is one of the most important aspects of breeding horses. Most breeding farms work closely with veterinarians through every step of the pregnancy. Early ultrasounds can detect twins and pregnancy abnormalities that need to be addressed and can help maintain a safe and healthy pregnancy.

Your Vet

Mares also need specific care when pregnant. Some medications can cause abortion so it’s always important to check if you are unsure!

Foal Growth, Development Milestones, Risk Factors, and Mare Care by Month

I️ came across this AWESOME and very informative website that outlines mare care for every stage of pregnancy. Presented by the Equine Centre at the University of Guelph, you can explore growth stages, development milestones, risk factors, and mare care tips – all by simply entering your mare’s estimated breeding date. Check it out here.

Mare and foal resources for size and milestones

Look to FoalPro for Your On-Site Foaling Needs

If you’re in need of an on-site foaling attendant or looking for more education opportunities for yourself or your team, check out FoalPro’s website and offerings. They offer foaling coaching and kits as well so you can approach your first foaling season with more confidence, resources, and expert backup.

What to Look for When You Have a New Foal

what to look out for in new foals

Having a new foal on the ground can be truly exciting! Even so, there are some signs that owners should look for regarding abnormal mothering abilities, adequate nursing, and normal behavioral presentation.

Signs that a mare may have abnormal mothering abilities:

  • Absence of bonding
  • Fear of the newborn foal
  • Overprotection
  • Reluctance of nursing
  • True foal rejection

Make sure the foal is nursing well.

It’s also important to check the mare’s udder to see if it has been emptied recently — which will indicate whether the foal is able or getting the chance to nurse regularly. This may also be noted by monitoring the foal’s nursing behaviors. A foal that is not getting enough milk may present as agitated, as well as the mare becoming agitated from possible pain and irritation at the foal’s peristance.  Each nursing period will typically be prolonged and more frequent if a foal is not getting a suitable amount of milk. If this progresses without intervention, the foal may become dull from the lack of nutrition and other health problems may arise for both the mare and foal.  

Other signs of danger to watch for:

  • Dull foal presentation
  • Seizure behavior
  • Unable to stand up or lay down normally
  • Abnormally long lengths of time between nursing
  • Straining to pass meconium

CRF Equine Services offers post-foaling monitoring. We make sure your newest herd member is adjusting to their new surroundings properly, standing and nursing regularly, and making regular bowel movements. Get in touch today for a free consultation and custom quote or download our pricing guide.

Preparing for the Arrival of a New Foal

Preparing for Foaling Season with the Right Resources - CRF Equine Services

Waiting for a new foal’s arrival can be quite the trial of patience. So while you’re waiting, make sure you’re prepared so you aren’t scrambling during the big event!

When to expect a mare to foal

Although this can be difficult to predict exactly, studies show that 80% of mares foal between 8 pm and 2 am. Pair that with the fact that a mare can foal weeks on either side of their due date, it’s no wonder why foaling season can be so exhausting! But preparing yourself well in advance and having the right backup can make all the difference in both being well-rested and having a successful foaling season.

Preparing for Foaling Season with the Right Resources - CRF Equine Services
A healthy mare and newborn foal that CRF Equine Services monitored and alerted for at Saratoga Glen Farm in New York

Here are some ideas of what to keep on hand in your foaling kit:

  • Flex-Tip Thermometer
  • Towels
  • Chlorhexidine or Betadine
  • Saline Enema
  • Exam Gloves
  • OB Straps or Chains
  • Navel Dip and Clamps

Education is key to a successful foaling season!

Knowing what red flags to watch for and making sure you and your team are prepared to deal with any issues that may arise is a key factor to a successful foaling season. Your local university (or an online one) may offer short courses related to foaling and general reproduction at a very reasonable price. These are great resources to tap into, even for a refresher course before foaling season.

Foaling professionals like Brianna Clark at Foal Pro are ready to help ease pre-foaling anxieties through education as well. She is also ready to help equip or update your foaling kit. She has curated her own foaling kits with such care and compassion- each piece is high quality with careful thought put into each selection. Her kits are available for purchase through her site, linked below.

Here are some resources to get you started- 

Have more questions about preparing for your mare to foal? Get in touch today and we’ll make a plan for monitoring your mares and foals.

We want you to be at your best when the little ones are ready to hit the ground, and that starts with a solid sleep foundation! So let us take care of the night watch so you can rest easy! Download our services guide or give us a call to get started.

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Whether you have one mare to foal and need your sleep for your day job, or have a full barn that you need an extra set of eyes on, we have you covered!

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I'm truly blessed to be a trusted team member of the stables, facilities, and individual equine owners that I partner with, whether it's for foaling season or year-round. What a great feeling to be able to let folks sleep while I watch their horses! When I’m not monitoring horses, you can find me either carving on some leather, shed hunting with my pups, finding out where each county road leads, or on horseback of course soaking up the high desert sunshine.

Hey, I'm Chloe.